Newborn usually refers to a baby from birth to about 3 months of age, it might seems like a lot, but it goes by so fast! You want to take advantage of these precious moments when the little ones are so still and… well… mostly asleep, to take adorable photos. Here are some ideas of cute baby photos you can take, to be able to look back and remember these moments.

1. Use Knitted Props

2. Fluffi Friends

Source: ivone de melo

3. The Borrito Wrap

4. Half Face Close-up 


Source: nappy | Pexels

5. Proportion

Source: Pixabay

6. Big Brother


Source: Pixabay

7. Mommy, Daddy and I

8. Use Blankets And Soft Materials

9. Little Baby Nest


Source: Pixabay

10. His Holiness 😉